Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Kevin Osei

Kevin osei

1. How old was King Tut when he died?
1. Not stated

2. Does the author suggest any foul play?
2. Many believe that Aye, Horemhab, or the two in league with each other did in fact kill Tutankhamen.

3. What information did you find concerning his death?
3. According to Mohamed Saleh, Derictor-General of the Egyptian Museum, the original analysis of Tutankhamen's mummy suggested that the boy king died of a lung disease or even a brain tumor. "This would explain the lump found on the back of his head," he said.

4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him?
. Aye, Horernhab, personal attendant or by his cup-bearer, Tutu or Dudu, described first as an official in the court.

5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne?
6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain.
Yes this is a reliable source because it has quotes from people who have been studying this for many years. Also this site is very reliable because they got information from many people not just one person. The information they gathered are scientist and archeologists who have looked at this data for a while and have suggested ideas about King Tuts death many people not just one person. The information they gathered are scientist and archeologists who have looked at this data for a while and have suggested ideas about King Tuts death..
head while asleep and that he lingered, maybe for as long as two months, before he died.7. What other "facts" are included about his death?
X-rays also show a thickening of a bone in the cranium which could occur only after a build-up of blood. This would indicate that the king might have been left bleeding for a long time before he actuallydied. In short, scientists suggest that the king was most probably hit on the back of his

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