Saturday, May 29, 2010

"Diagnostic Essay: Monday, March 8
Select one of the following topics and compose a formal essay. Your essay will not receive a grade, not will it affect your final average; this is for evaluative purposes only. You will have approximately one hour to complete this essay.

1. What is “the American Dream'? Is the American Dream accessible for everyone in the United States? Why or why not?

2. Who is left out of or marginalized by American society? How do people gain “admission” to American society?"

Thursday, May 27, 2010

ABOUT Joey Bomango

Where am I?
In school

What do I do?
I learn so some day i can get a good job.

What is in my future?
High school, millarty, government job.

What are my aspirations?
I what to in roll in the millarty and once I get out get a government job.

ABOUT josh peters

1.where am I at school 2. What do I do ? I do work.
3.What is my future? To become a scientist .
4.What are my aspiration? I see my self in a building with all these other scientist's.

ABOUT Bryan Dover

Where am I? I am at school in Intergraded Studies.
What do I do? I work at school and play at home.
What is in my future? My job,car,work,fun,and imagination.
What are my aspirations? I hope to have a nice job and car to have a family and to be able to do what i want to do besides my future job.

ABOUT Linwood Brogeden

1. Were am I?IN Mis.Griffis class at west fredrick middel school.
2.what do I do? Tipe the anser and questions.
3.What is in my futuer? Some change.
4.What are my aspirations? Become a NFL player

ABOUT tahjay cruickshank

1.) Where am I ?
Im in intergraded studies.
2.) What do I do ?
Play football and run track.
3.) What is my future ?
Playing pro football.
4.) What are my aspirations ?
To stay in school and graduate go to college and be a pro QB and hopefully go to the hall of fame.

ABOUT Chris Moe

1. Where am I
I am at school
2. What do I do
I learn
3. What is my future
Soccer and medical school
4. What are my aspirations
My aspirations are To become a doctor and a professional soccer player

Chris Moe was here.

ABOUT Adam Needle

1. were am i?i am in te class room.

2. what do i do?I like to play soccer.

3.what is in my future? I dont now right now.

4.what are my aspirations? To play pro soccer or hockey.

ABOUT mathew ron

1. where an I? school
2.what do I do? learn
3.what is my future?to be a fireman
4.what are my aspiration?to help people

ABOUT Leslie Granados

1. Where am I? I am in WFMS in Mrs.Griffith class
2. What do I do? Going to school, and helping others in my family.
3.What is my future? Going to college so I can be a vet or my other plans for a career.
4.What are my aspirations? To be in El Salvador and help others and animals in poverty.

ABOUT Amie Pau

1.Where am I?Answer:I am in Frederick,Maryland in the school west frederick middle school in indegrated studies
2.What do I do? Answer:I am writing these questions
3:What is in my future?Answer:That i am going to college and owning America's best church
4.What are aspirations?Answer:i hope that i will have a bright future and have good grades in school

ABOUT Nadia Monnier

Q1:Where am I? A:I am at Integrated Studies in West Frederick Middle School ,Frederick MD.
Q2:What do I do? A:I learn at West Frederick Middle. I learn math, science, l.a etc.
Q3:What is in my future? A:In my future i see myself going to 7th grade.
Q4:What are my aspirations? A: I hope to go to a really good college and law school, so then i can become a lawyer. Maybe after that a judge.

ABOUT Abby Spessard

1) Where am i?
I am in Intedgrated Studies, at school, at west frederick middle school
2)What do i do?
I work on project that may help us later in life.
3)What is in my future?
In my future i write stories, and travel all around the world. also i write songs.
4)What are my asperations?
The world will be greener and better and nicer.

ABOUT Cameron Brenchley

1) where am I? i am in school.
2)what do I do? do work in school and out of school and play alot of basketball.
3)what is in my future?playing basketball
4)what are my aspirayions?to play basketball

ABOUT Bornor Bryemah

1.where am i- i am in school mrs.griffith's class to be more pasific
2.what do i do - i like to dance and love to put cloths together and i also loveee to play model
3.what is my future- im gonna be a plus size model im also gonna start a lot of compenys with my sister(aryea) and cousin(angeline). i wanna do alot to help the world and let them know that the only person they need to succeed
4.what are my aspiration-i want to be passionate about god so people can get to know him and have faith in him :D

ABOUT Henry Rivera

1)Where am I?
In class
2) what do I do?
i do lots of things but mostly play soccer
3)what is in my future?
that i really dont know yet
4)what are my aspirations?
well i would love to be a pro soccer player and play for barcalona

ABOUT Adonis Phillips

1.Where am I? Int. Studies, in WFMS, in Frederick Md
2.What do I do? Play sports and draw
3.What is in my future? I want to go to college, play in the NFL, and own my own business
4.What are my aspirations? To finish college and own my own business

ABOUT Jenna Hallock

1. Where am I? I am in Mrs. Griffith's room in WFMS.
2. What do I do? I dance, sing in the Frederick Children's Chorus, play handbells, play piano, and play violin.
3. What is my future? My future is going through high school and go to college. Then get a good job after college.
4. What are my aspirations? I am hoping for a good home, good friends, and to somehow become famous with all my musical hobbies.

ABOUT luciano vergura

1. Where am I ?

I am in school right now.

2.What do I do ?

I play baseball.

3. What is in my future ?

Maybe becoming an athlete.

4. What are my aspirations ?

To get good grades in College.

ABOUT Dionne Griffith

ABOUT Dionne “Dee” Griffith

Where Am I?
What Do I Do?
What Is In My Future?
What Are My Desires and Aspirations?
What Are My Hobbies?

Jeremiah Carlen

Jeremiah Carlen Medical Examiner

1.How old was King Tut when he died? At age nine he was married.
2. Does the author suggest any foul play? Yes
3. What information did you find concerning his death? Aye who succeeded him as king, and General Horemhab who in turn succeeded Aye to the throne.
4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him? Aye
5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne? Aye
6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain. This is a reliable source because it is not Wikipedia, where you can put any thing in that you want.
7. What other "facts" are included about his death?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Darien Cardwell

1. How old was King Tut when he died?

2. Does the author suggest any foul play?

3. What information did you find concerning his death?

4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him?

5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne?

6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain.

7. What other "facts" are included about his death?

Adam Needle

Adam Needle
1. How old was King Tut when he died? He was 18.
2. Does the author suggest any foul play? The cause of Tutankhamun's death was unclear
3. What information did you find concerning his death? The cause of Tutankhamun's death was unclear
4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him? The cause of Tutankhamun's death was unclear
5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne? Ay succeeded him.
6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain. No because some people can go back and change it.7. What other "facts" are included about his death? No because it is unclear

Leslie Granados

Medical Examiner
1. How old was King Tut when he died? At the time of his death, King Tut was certainly old enough to have sired an heir to the throne himself.2. Does the author suggest any foul play? 3. What information did you find concerning his death? He died of gangrene caused by a broken leg; fracture in the left thighbone as evidence for the possibility that Tutankhamun broke his leg badly just before he died. There was more than a little reason to believe that King Tut may have been murdered. The two principal suspects, Aye who succeeded him as king, and General Horemhab who in turn succeeded Aye to the throne, both appear to have been powerful men who, in effect, ruled Egypt while King Tut was a child. King Tut was certainly old enough to have sired an heir to the throne himself, which would have at least technically eliminated Aye and Horemhab from ever ascending the throne. Aye who succeeded him as king and General Horemhab who in turn succeeded Aye to the throne. Embalming material indicates that this can only have occurred during life or during the embalming process, and cannot have been caused by Carter’s team.4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him? 5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne? Aye who succeeded him as king and General Horemhab who in turn succeeded Aye to the throne.6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain. No, because during 7. What other "facts" are included about his death Finally, there was the issue of King Tut's widow, Ankhespaton, who was apparently forced to marry Aye after King Tut's death. Only a short time later, she disappeared from the annals of history, leading to speculation that she too might have been murdered. Furthermore, many of its parts present at the original examination by Carter are now missing, and both skin and bones were broken in numerous places, supposedly also by the Carter team. Carter’s team had noted that the patella (kneecap) on this leg was loose (now it is completely separated, and has in fact, been wrapped with the left hand), possibly suggesting further damage to this area of the body. The part of the team that subscribes to this theory also notes a fracture of the right patella and right lower leg. Based on this evidence, they suggest the king may have suffered an accident in which he broke his leg badly, leaving an open wound. Although the break itself would not have been life-threatening, infection might have set in. However, this part of the team believes it also possible, although less likely, that this fracture was caused by the embalmers".

Grace Dorrian

1. How old was King Tut when he died? 18 years old
2. Does the author suggest any foul play? Since there is evidence that Tutankhamen was murdered by poison
3. What information did you find concerning his death? His death under mysterious circumstances followed and members of the ATLC suggest that it was Tutu who was responsible for the deaths of Akhenaton and Tutankhamen "because in the tomb of the latter, an object like a trotter was found on which graffiti invokes.
4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him? This source believes that it was Tutu.
5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne? King Tut became leader because his father and older brother both died so they needed someone to rule Egypt.
6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain. Yes, it is a reliable source to find information because it gave me good background on King Tut that led up to his death. Also the facts had a lot of detail that explained to me what happened to King Tut.

7. What other facts are included about his death?
1. Mohamed Saleh, Derictor-General of the Egyptian Museum, the original analysis of Tutankhamen's mummy suggested that the boy king died of a lung disease or even a brain tumor.

2. Many believe that Aye, Horemhab, or the two in league with each other did in fact kill

3. A new X-ray analysis cast more light on the subject, this time suggesting that Tutankhamen may
have been murdered in his sleep.

Nadia Monnier

Nadia Monnier

1. How old was King Tut when he died?
His age at death was estimated at nineteen years

2. Does the author suggest any foul play?
X-rays of Tutankhamun's mummy, taken in 1968, revealed a dense spot at the lower back of the skull interpreted as a subdural hematoma. Such an injury could have been the result of an accident, but it has also been suggested that the young pharaoh was murdered.[21]

3. What information did you find concerning his death?
A blow to the back of the head (from a fall or an actual blow) caused the brain to move forward, hitting the front of the skull, breaking small pieces of the bone right above the eyes.[22]

4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him?

5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne?

6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain.
This site is a semi-reliable source, because it gives you a lot of facts but it doesn’t say a lot about what I was looking for.

7. What other "facts" are included about his death?
19-year-old may well have died of complications from malaria, combined with a rare bone disorder affecting the foot called Kohler disease II, a disease typically affecting boys aged 5–9 caused when the navicular bone temporarily loses its blood supply. As a result, tissue in the bone dies and the bone collapses, producing symptoms of a club foot. He also had a curvature of the spine.

Henry Rivera

Henry Rivera
1. How old was King Tut when he died? 1341 BC – 1323 BC (18 years old)

2. Does the author suggest any foul play?

3. What information did you find concerning his death? dense spot at the lower back of the skull interpreted as a subdural hematoma. Such an injury could have been the result of an accident, but it has also been suggested that the young pharaoh was murdered

4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him? Doesn’t say

5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne?

6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain. Yes because it gives u a lot of information.

7. What other "facts" are included about his death? Tutankhamun's left leg most likely occurred only days before his death, which had then become gangrenous and led directly to his death. The fracture, in their opinion, was not sustained during the mummification process or as a result of some damage to the mummy as claimed by Howard Carter. The Egyptian scientists also have found no evidence that he had been struck on the head and no other indication that he was murdered, as had been speculated previously. Further investigation of the fracture led to the conclusion that it was severe, most likely caused by a fall from some height — possibly a chariot-riding accident due to the absence of pelvis injuries — and may have been fatal within hours

Brionna Gaines

Brionna Gaines

The medical examiner point of veiw
1.How old was King Tut when he died? 9

2. Does the author suggest any foul play? King Tut may have been poisoned, so in fact, if we are not certain as to how he died, then murder cannot yet be ruled out

3. What information did you find concerning his death?
The two principal suspects, Aye who succeeded him as king, and General Horemhab who in turn succeeded Aye to the throne, both appear to have been powerful men who, in effect, ruled Egypt while King Tut was a child. It would not be unreasonable at all to believe that, as King Tut grew into a young man, the two elder men would have resented losing much of their power. Furthermore, at the time of his death, King Tut was certainly old enough to have sired an heir to the throne himself, which would have at least technically eliminated Aye and Horemhab from ever ascending the throne

4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him?
the two elder men

5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne?

6. Is this site a reliable source? because all of the souses is from a book 7. What other "facts" are included about his death? In the case of King Tut, one must first remember that his mummy is not in very good condition today. When Carter discovered it, his team basically dismantled the corpse while looking for amulets and other jewelry. Furthermore, many of its parts present at the original examination by Carter are now missing, and both skin and bones were broken in numerous places, supposedly also by the Carter team.

The medical examiner will visit Mysteries of Egypt: TutankhamunThe reporter will visit The Mysterious Death of King TutThe archaeologist will visit : The Who Killed King Tut?The history professor will visit Who killed Tut?

The reporters point of view

1.How old was King Tut when he died? Does not say

2. Does the author suggest any foul play? Yes

3. What information did you find concerning his death? Falling from the chariot made this fracture in his left leg, and this really is in my opinion how he died."

4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him?

5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne? Does not say

6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain. No because a person said it

7. What other "facts" are included about his death? There is something greasy, something that made it easy for the wheel to move on the axle

The archaeologist point of view

1.How old was King Tut when he died? 9

2. Does the author think suggest foul play? Yes

3. what information did you find concerning his death? Such an injury could have been the result of an accident, but it has also been suggested that the young pharaoh was murdered.

4.who(if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him? Something or someone.

5.Who succeeded Tut to the the thone ? does not say this site reliable? Explain no because could not awsers all my questions

Linwood Brogeden

Linwood Brogeden

1. How old was King Tut when he died? 2. Does the author suggest any foul play? It said that he broke his leg when he fell. 3. What information did you find concerning his death? It said he fell off of his chariot while hunting. 4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him? The author thought no body killed him.5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne? 6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain .No, because it bidden answer all my questions. 7. What other "facts" are included about his death? It said that he was riding his chariot in the desert and he fell off and broke his leg and died.

Amie Pau

1. How old was King Tut when he died?

ANSWER: he died something like the beginning of December or January," which was the middle of the winter hunting season,
2. Does the author suggest any foul play?

Answer: Possibly got hit on the head/murdered
3. What information did you find concerning his death?

Answer: King Tutankhamen likely died after falling from his chariot while hunting, Egypt's top archaeologist says in an upcoming TV documentary, offering new insights into the boy pharaoh's long-debated death. Tutankhamen is widely thought to have died of an infection stemming from a broken leg, after CT scans in 2005 revealed a severe fracture in his left thighbone, challenging theories that he had been murdered
4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him?

Answer: No one actually really killed him in the text it says, He had an accident when he was hunting in the desert," said Zahi Hawass, secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, who has overseen recent examinations of the pharaoh's mummy.
5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne?

Answer: His father died so therefore he got the throne.
6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain.

Answer: it is partly reliable because this is from an expert not the real thing.The reliable part is that it says, "Falling from the chariot made this fracture in his left leg, and this really is in my opinion how he died."
7. What other "facts" are included about his death?

Answer: Additional clues come from the floral arrangement that adorned the king's neck at the time of his burial. The tomb also contained hundreds of arrowheads that show evidence of having been fired and retrieved, the film reports.

Luciano Vergura

Luciano Vergura

How old was King Tut when he died?
2. Does the author suggest any foul play?
3. What information did you find concerning his death?
4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him?
5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne?
6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain.
7. What other "facts" are included about his death.

When King Tut died it was at the age of 19 years old.
In the article it says that there was no foul play.
His head trauma in his head and that he had a rare bone disorder and that he had malaria.
In the article the author does not say whether he got killed by somebody.
The article doesn’t say that who succeeded to Tut’ s throne.
Yes because most of it is what I needed to find for my questions.

Bornor Bryemah

Bornor Bryemah

1.How old was King Tut when he died? 18 years old.

2. Does the author suggest any foul play? based on the CT scan findings, is that
Tutankhamun died of gangrene after breaking his leg.

3. What information did you find concerning his death? Such an injury could have been the result of an accident, but it has also been suggested that the young pharaoh was murdered.

4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him? Ay, his wife, and his chariot-driver.

5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne? King Tut had became header because his dad had died and he was next to the throne .

6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain. Yes because it gives dates to prove its answers and it also gives other website to get more of the answer your looking for its easy to find what your loking for based on the subheadings and how its organized .

7. What other "facts" are included about his death? A blow to the back of the head (from a fall or an actual blow) caused the brain to move forward, hitting the front of the skull, breaking small pieces of the bone right above the eyes.

Joshua White

Joshua White

1. How old was King Tut when he died?
2. Does the author suggest any foul play?
3. What information did you find concerning his death? 4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him?
5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne?
6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain.
7. What other "facts" are included about his death?

Jenna Hallock

1. How old was King Tut when he died?
Article does not say the answer.
2. Does the author suggest any foul play?
He was possibly murdered. A fracture to the back of his head.
3. What information did you find concerning his death?
The latest report is that he died of gangrene caused by a broken leg.
4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him?
Aye or General Horemhab.
5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne?
Aye succeeded Tut in the throne.
6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain.
I think it is mostly a reliable source because the article has suspects, facts, and many details to say if King Tut was murdered or just died. The only thing wrong is that I wasn’t able to find how old he was when he died.
7. What other "facts" are included about his death?
A doctor who X-rayed Tut’s skull said that the head blow was not caused by an accident. Other people think that the two broken bone fragments were broken during the embalming process.

Chris Moe

Chris Moe
Medical examiner
1. How old was King Tut when he died? 1. Article does not state how old he was when he died.
2. Does the author suggest any foul play? 2. The article did not state any foul play.
3. What information did you find concerning his death? 3. Tutankhamen broke his leg badly just before he died. King Tut may have been poisoned.
4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him? 4. The two principal suspects, Aye who succeeded him as king, and General Horemhab who in turn succeeded Aye to the throne, both appear to have been powerful men who, in effect, ruled Egypt while King Tut was a child.
5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne? 5. Aye succeeded Tut as king
6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain. 6. Yes because I could find most of the answers for the questions.
7. What other "facts" are included about his death? 7. A fracture on the back of his head.

Josh Peters

Josh Peters
1. How old was King Tut when he died? 18 yrs. old
2. Does the author suggest any foul play?
3. What information did you find concerning his death?
4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him?
5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne?
6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain.
7. What other "facts" are included about his death?

Bryan Dover

Bryan Dover
Medical examiner
1. How old was King Tut when he died? When he was young.2. Does the author suggest any foul play? It says he broke his leg badly.3. What information did you find concerning his death? Latest reports are that he died of gangrene caused by a broken leg. King Tut broke his leg badly just before he died. The patella (kneecap) on this leg was loose. There was a fracture of the right patella and right lower leg. Infections might have set in.4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him? Aye and Horemhab are both people who would have had a motive. But other than that no one would have killed him.5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne? Aye and Horemhab both succeeded King Tut.6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain. It is because it tells you a lot of information on King Tut’s death but doesn’t say when exactly he died or at what age.7. What other "facts" are included about his death? None.

Cameron Brenchley

Cameron Brenchley
1. How old was King Tut when he died?
Does not say
2. Does the author suggest any foul play?
3. What information did you find concerning his death?
X-rays also show a thickening of a bone in the cranium which could occur only after a build-up of blood. This would indicate that the king might have been left bleeding for a long time his head while asleep before he actually died. In short, scientists suggest that the king was most probably hit on the back of and that he lingered, maybe for as long as two months, before he died.

4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him?
The suggestion caused a controversy among Egyptologists and scientists. If he were murdered, who did it? Was it Aye, Tutankhamen's vizier who ascended to the throne after his death and married his wife? Or was it Horernhab, the army officer who became king after Aye’s short four-year rule?
5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne?
6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain. Yes because it gives you most of the information you need to know.
7. What other "facts" are included about his death?
While Tutankhamen's murder is so much in the news, it must not be forgotten that his wife, Ankhespaton, may not be entirely ruled out as a suspect. She was the one who dispatched a message to the Syrian monarch asking him to send one of his sons to marry her following the death of her husband because she was without a son to take care of her. She indicated that she could not marry one of her 'slaves.' Was she referring to Aye (who was also much older than she)? Since there is evidence that Tutankhamen was murdered by poison, could she have been involved in a scheme with his cup-bearer? While this must be questioned, it should also be noted that she may have been forced to eventually marry Aye after Tutankhamen's death, an event that she seems not to have wanted, and soon after, disappears from ancient records. Hence, it has also been suggested that Aye may have murdered her.

So if Tutankhamen was murdered, which does seem likely, who might be the most logical suspect? Certainly it must be Aye, simply because it was he who inherited the throne, and who therefore seems to have had the greatest motive to do so (as well as some very good opportunities).

Joey Bomango

Joey Bomango,

1. How old was King Tut when he died?
He was nineteen years old.
2. Does the author suggest any foul play? No.
3. What information did you find concerning his death? King
Tutankhamun likely died after falling from his chariot while hunting.
4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him? No.
5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne? General Horemmab.
6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain. Yes, because it tells you what the experts say and how the experts figured it out.7. What other "facts" are included about his death? Tutankhamun is widely thought to have died of an infection stemming from a broken leg.

Adonis Phillips

1. How old was King Tut when he died? 19 years old2. Does the author suggest any foul play? No he fell from his chariot3. What information did you find concerning his death? King Tutankhamun likely died after falling from his chariot while hunting4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him? No one killed him 5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne? Doesn’t say in the article6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain. Yes because the article answers most of the question and gives more links for more information7. What other "facts" are included about his death? The movement from the wheel on the axle also left a deep line

Abby Spessard

Abby Spessard

1. How old was King Tut when he died?
Article does not say

2. Does the author suggest any foul play?
Hit on the head and murdered

3. What information did you find concerning his death?
May have not been murdered, but died instead from an infection caused by a broken leg.
May have been murdered in his sleep.

4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him? It could have been Aye, Tutankhamen's vizier who ascended to the throne after his death and married his wife. Or was it Horernhab, the army officer who became king after Aye’s short four-year rule.

5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne? Aye

6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain.
Not really because it had no information on what age he did, when he died and only has a couple sentences on who took the throne after King Tut died so there was really no support. It only told you who could have killed him and why.

7. What other "facts" are included about his death?
Aye and Horemhab might have shared the guilt, working in cahoots to kill the boy.

Mathew Ron

Mathew Ron
1. How old was King Tut when he died? He was nineteen years old
2. Does the author suggest any foul play? No
3. What information did you find concerning his death? He has been left bleeding for a long time before he actually died
4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him? Aye, Horemhab,
5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne? General Horemhab
6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain. Yes because it has reliable true facts about king Tut dead.
7. What other "facts" are included about his death? He may had been left with a broken leg.

erykah walmsley

Professor- Erykah Walmsley

1(Q) How old was King Tut when he died?
1(A) 19 in 1323 B.C.

(Q)2. Does the author suggest any foul play?
(A)2. Yes, (the real killer beat him and awake him from his death to confess and admit his crime)

(Q)3. What information did you find concerning his death?
(A)3. The first is a papyrus document related to the "opening of the mouth ceremony," a ritual in which the dead man proclaims his innocence of any act he may have committed during his life-time,

(Q)4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him?
(A)4. ATLC suggest that it was Tutu who was responsible for the deaths of Akhenaten and Tutankhamun "because in the tomb of the latter, an object like a trotter was found on which graffiti invokes, 'go to the real killer and beat him and awake him from his death to confess and admit his crime so that the one who is now accused can be declared innocent." Since trotters were not ritual objects in Ancient Egypt

(Q)5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne? (A)5. Aye for a few years, and then Horemheb

(Q)6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain
(A)6. Yes, because it give good info on who killed king tut(

(Q)7. What other "facts" are included about his death?
(A)7. Trotters were not ritual objects in Ancient Egypt it is suggested that it belonged to outsiders

stephon barnes

Stephon Barnes
1.How old was King Tut when he died?
19 years old
2. Does the author suggest any foul play?
2. No because the article states"Now the gods and goddesses of the land are rejoicing in their hearts...the provinces all rejoice and celebrate throughout this whole land because good has come back into existence."[15]
3. What information did you find concerning his death?
Tutankhamun's mummy, taken in 1968, revealed a dense spot at the lower back of the skull interpreted as a subdural hematoma. Such an injury could have been the result of an accident, but it has also been suggested that the young pharaoh was murdered.[21] A trauma specialist from Long Island University at C. W. Post Campus insisted that this injury could not have been from a natural cause. The specialist stated that the blow was to a protected area at the back of the head which is not easily injured in an accident.[22][23] Theories as to who was responsible for the death include Tutankhamun's immediate successor Ay, his wife, and his chariot-driver.[23] Calcification within the supposed injury indicates that Tutankhamun lived for a fairly extensive period of time (on the order of several months) after the injury was inflicted.[23]
4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him?
In February 2010, the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that the 19-year-old may well have died of complications from malaria, combined with a rare bone disorder affecting the foot called Kohler disease II, a disease typically affecting boys aged 5–9 caused when the navicular bone temporarily loses its blood supply. As a result, tissue in the bone dies and the bone collapses, producing symptoms of a club foot. He also had a curvature of the spine.
5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne? Tutankhamun's significance stems from his rejection of the radical religious innovations introduced by his predecessor and father, Akhenaten.[6
6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain Yes, it is reliable because nit gave the info that I needed and it gave text support and details
7. Is this site a reliable source? Explain Scientists discovered a small, loose, sliver of bone within the upper cranial cavity, which was discovered from the same X-ray analysis. In fact, since Tutankhamun's brain was removed post mortem in the mummification process, and considerable quantities of now-hardened resin introduced into the skull on at least two separate occasions after that, had the fragment resulted from a pre-mortem injury, some scholars, including the 2005 CT scan team, say it almost certainly would not still be loose in the cranial cavity. But other scientists suggested that the loose sliver of bone was loosened by the embalmers during mummification, but it had been broken before. A blow to the back of the head (from a fall or an actual blow) caused the brain to move forward, hitting the front of the skull, breaking small pieces of the bone right above the eyes.[22]

carlos flores

Carlos Flores:

1. How old was King Tut when he died?

2. Does the author suggest any foul play?
This injury could not have been from a natural cause.

3. What information did you find concerning his death?
Such an injury could have been the result of an accident, but it has also been suggested that the young pharaoh was murdered

4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him?
Theories as to who was responsible for the death include Tutankhamun's immediate successor Ay, his wife, and his chariot-driver

5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne?
Article did not reveal

6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain.
This site is reliable because this has found all the information I needed

7. What other "facts" are included about his death?
Not long before his death, the king fractured his leg, and the scientists think this was important. The bone did not heal properly and began to die.
Justin Duarte

1. How old was King Tut when he died?

2. Does the author suggest any foul play?
2. He had an accident when he was hunting in the desert
3. What information did you find concerning his death?
3. Tutankhamun is widely thought to have died of an infection stemming from a broken
4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him?
4. No one
5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne?
5. Aye
6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain.
6. Yes it has a lot of information about his death that you can
7. What other "facts" are included about his death?
7. That he might of die of a chariot accident

Hein Aung

Hein Aung

1. How old was King Tut when he died?
1. Tutankhamun was nine years old when he became pharaoh and reigned for approximately ten years.

2. Does the author suggest any foul play?
2. In February 2010, the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that the 19-year-old may well have died of complications from malaria

3. What information did you find concerning his death?
3. A blow to the back of the head (from a fall or an actual blow) caused the brain to move forward, hitting the front of the skull, breaking small pieces of the bone right above the eyes.

4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him?
4. Theories as to who was responsible for the death include Tutankhamun's immediate successor Ay, his wife, and his chariot-driver.

5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne?

6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain.
6.No because any one could come in and make a account, and write any thing they want even if it is not true.

7. What other "facts" are included about his death?
7. it has also been suggested that the young pharaoh was murdered.

Kevin Osei

Kevin osei

1. How old was King Tut when he died?
1. Not stated

2. Does the author suggest any foul play?
2. Many believe that Aye, Horemhab, or the two in league with each other did in fact kill Tutankhamen.

3. What information did you find concerning his death?
3. According to Mohamed Saleh, Derictor-General of the Egyptian Museum, the original analysis of Tutankhamen's mummy suggested that the boy king died of a lung disease or even a brain tumor. "This would explain the lump found on the back of his head," he said.

4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him?
. Aye, Horernhab, personal attendant or by his cup-bearer, Tutu or Dudu, described first as an official in the court.

5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne?
6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain.
Yes this is a reliable source because it has quotes from people who have been studying this for many years. Also this site is very reliable because they got information from many people not just one person. The information they gathered are scientist and archeologists who have looked at this data for a while and have suggested ideas about King Tuts death many people not just one person. The information they gathered are scientist and archeologists who have looked at this data for a while and have suggested ideas about King Tuts death..
head while asleep and that he lingered, maybe for as long as two months, before he died.7. What other "facts" are included about his death?
X-rays also show a thickening of a bone in the cranium which could occur only after a build-up of blood. This would indicate that the king might have been left bleeding for a long time before he actuallydied. In short, scientists suggest that the king was most probably hit on the back of his

Nikkius Gibson-Pantin

Nikkius Gibson-Pantin
Medical Examiner

1. How old was King Tut when he died?
King Tut was 20 years old when he died.
2. Does the author suggest any foul play?
However, one of the main reasons that murder has ragged on as a possible cause of King Tut's death is because of a fracture to the back of his head. Revealed in an X-ray of his mummy made by the University of Liverpool, a trauma specialist at Long Island University in the US theorized that the blow was not caused by an accident. However, according to Dr. Hawass,

"The entire team agrees that there is NO evidence for murder present in the skull of Tutankhamun. There is NO area on the back of the skull that indicates a partially healed blow. There are two bone fragments loose in the skull. These cannot possibly have been from an injury from before death, as they would have become stuck in the embalming material. The scientific team has matched these pieces to the fractured cervical vertebra and foramen magnum, and believes these were broken either during the embalming process or by Carter’s team".

3. What information did you find concerning his death?
Died of natural causes, rather than being murdered. Specifically, the latest report is that he died of gangrene caused by a broken leg.
Finally, there was the issue of King Tut's widow, Ankhespaton, who was apparently forced to marry Aye after King Tut's death. Only a short time later, she disappeared from the annals of history, leading to speculation that she too might have been murdered.

These circumstances all contribute to an ancient mystery, and much intrigue, a situation that was not completely uncommon in the Egyptian royal court. Attempts had, and would be made to murder pharaohs, a few of which were successful. Usually, these seem to have been plots within the harem with the goal of elevating one wife's son to the throne over another's.

Now we are told, in absolute terms, that King Tut died by natural causes. However, let’s take a little closer look.

4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him?
"Part of the team believes that the above scenario is absolutely not possible. They maintain that the fracture mentioned above can only have been done by Carter’s team during extraction of the body from the coffin. They argue that if such a fracture had been suffered in life, there would have been evidence for hemorrhage or hematoma present in the CT scan. They believe the embalming liquid was pushed into the fracture by Carter’s team".
He goes on to explain that:

"The team has noted a fracture of the left lower femur (thighbone), at the level of the epiphysis plate. This fracture appears different from the many breaks caused by Carter’s team: it has ragged rather than sharp edges, and there are two layers of embalming material present inside. Part of the team believes that the embalming material indicates that this can only have occurred during life or during the embalming process, and cannot have been caused by Carter’s team. They note that this type of fracture, unlike most of the others, is possible in young men in their late teens, and argue that it is most likely that this happened during life. There is no obvious evidence for healing (although there may be some present, and masked by the embalming material). Since the associated skin wound would still have been open, this fracture would have had to occur a short time, days at the most, before death. Carter’s team had noted that the patella (kneecap) on this leg was loose (now it is completely separated, and has in fact, been wrapped with the left hand), possibly suggesting further damage to this area of the body. The part of the team that subscribes to this theory also notes a fracture of the right patella and right lower leg. Based on this evidence, they suggest the king may have suffered an accident in which he broke his leg badly, leaving an open wound. Although the break itself would not have been life-threatening, infection might have set in. However, this part of the team believes it also possible, although less likely, that this fracture was caused by the embalmers".

Dr. Zahi Hawass, the Director of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA), makes some interesting comments about the most recent findings on King Tut. Though he seems to mostly be in agreement with these findings, he states, for example, that, "...some (not all) team members interpreted a fracture in the left thighbone as evidence for the possibility that Tutankhamun broke his leg badly just before he died".

5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne?
There was more than a little reason to believe that King Tut may have been murdered. The two principal suspects, Aye who succeeded him as king, and General Horemhab who in turn succeeded Aye to the throne, both appear to have been powerful men who, in effect, ruled Egypt while King Tut was a child. It would not be unreasonable at all to believe that, as King Tut grew into a young man, the two elder men would have resented losing much of their power. Furthermore, at the time of his death, King Tut was certainly old enough to have sired an heir to the throne himself, which would have at least technically eliminated Aye and Horemhab from ever ascending the throne. It is also noteworthy that the young King Tut was greatly loved in ancient Egypt for restoring the Amun priesthood after the death of his presumed heretic father, Akhenaten. However, this was almost certainly the work of Aye and General Horemhab, who could have even resented Tut receiving all the glory of their work.

6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain.
Yes, because the source of reading the article is a good source for me. I say this, because the reading source has links, intelligent information, and great pictures as a roll models.
7. What other "facts" are included about his death?
So, while some recent news coverage seems to indicate that all of the questions surrounding Tutankhamen’s death have now been answered, at least for some scholars, they have not. Perhaps, once all the results of the recent CAT scan have been released, everyone may be in agreement, but there still seems to be some question, at least according to Dr. Hawass, that at least some of the team that examined the CAT scans disagree with the absolute finding that gangrene caused by a broken leg caused King Tut's death.

In fact, Dr. Hawass does reveal in recent media that we are not really completely sure how King Tut died, but that we know it was not murder. We have always had the utmost respect for Dr. Hawass, as we continue to have, but it was long suggested as a hypothesis that King Tut may have been poisoned, so in fact, if we are not certain as to how he died, then murder cannot yet be ruled out.

Kalkidan Hersi

Kalkidan Hersi
Medical Examiner

How old was King Tut when he died?
17 or no later then 18
2. Does the author suggest any foul play
A very recent medical examination of the remains of King Tutankhamun suggest that he may have not been murdered, but died instead from an infection caused by a broken leg.More than 3,000 years after the death of the young Pharaoh Tutankhamen, questions are still being asked about how he died. Was it a natural death or was he murdered? The possibility that Tutankhamen did not die of natural causes was first raised 28 years ago when an X-ray analysis of his mummy was made by the anatomy department of the University of Liverpool. It revealed that the king may have died from a blow to the back of his head.The suggestion caused a controversy among Egyptologists and scientists. If he were murdered, who did it? Was it Aye, Tutankhamen's vizier who ascended to the throne after his death and married his wife? Or was it Horernhab, the army officer who became king after Aye’s short four-year rule? Some archaeologists suggested that Aye and Horemhab might have shared the guilt, working in cahoots to kill the boy.Early this year, a new X-ray analysis cast more light on the subject, this time suggesting that Tutankhamen may have been murdered in his sleep. The examination was conducted by a trauma specialist at Long Island University, USA, "The blow was to a protected area at the back of the head which you don't injure in an accident, someone had to sneak up from behind," said the specialist.X-rays also show a thickening of a bone in the cranium which could occur only after a build-up of blood. This would indicate that the king might have been left bleeding for a long time before he actually died. In short, scientists suggest that the king was most probably hit on the back of his head while asleep and that he lingered, maybe for as long as two months, before he died
3. What information did you find concerning his death?
"The team has noted a fracture of the left lower femur (thighbone), at the level of the epiphyseal plate. This fracture appears different from the many breaks caused by Carter’s team: it has ragged rather than sharp edges, and there are two layers of embalming material present inside. Part of the team believes that the embalming material indicates that this can only have occurred during life or during the embalming process, and cannot have been caused by Carter’s team. They note that this type of fracture, unlike most of the others, is possible in young men in their late teens, and argue that it is most likely that this happened during life. There is no obvious evidence for healing (although there may be some present, and masked by the embalming material). Since the associated skin wound would still have been open, this fracture would have had to occur a short
time, days at the most, before death. Carter’s team had noted that the patella (kneecap) on this leg was loose (now it is completely separated, and has in fact, been wrapped with the left hand), possibly suggesting further damage to this area of the body. The part of the team that subscribes to this theory also notes a fracture of the right patella and right lower leg. Based on this evidence, they suggest the king may have suffered an accident in which he broke his leg badly, leaving an open wound. Although the break itself would not have been life-threatening, infection might have set in. However, this part of the team believes it also possible, although less likely, that this fracture was caused by the embalmers".

4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him?
Aye or Horemhab.

5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne?

6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain
No because u don’t have solid evidence on what really happened.

7. What other "facts" are included about his death?
He suffered a brain tumor or ruled out or maybe

Claudia Aguillon-Rivas

Claudia Aguillon-Rivas

1. How old was King Tut when he died? Around 18 years old
2. Does the author suggest any foul play? That he was murder or he had an infection or was very sick that cause him to his death.
3. What information did you find concerning his death? Such an injury could have been the result of an accident, but it has also been suggested that the young pharaoh was murder.
4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him? Successor Ay, his wife, and his chariot-driver.
5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne? His wife Ankhesenamun.
6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain. No, because anyone could write any type of information in Wikipedia and could also be fake. That’s why it’s not a reliable source.
7. What other "facts" are included about his death? Such an injury could have been the result of an accident, but it has also been suggested that the young pharaoh was murdered. A blow to the back of the head (from a fall or an actual blow) caused the brain to move forward, hitting the front of the skull, breaking small pieces of the bone right above the eyes. Calcification within the supposed injury indicates that Tutankhamun lived for a fairly extensive period of time (on the order of several months) after the injury was inflicted.

Zachary De Leon

Zachary De Leon

1. How old was King Tut when he died?
1. Young man

2. Does the author suggest any foul play?
2. King Tutankhamun likely died after falling from his chariot while hunting.

3. What information did you find concerning his death?
3. "He had an accident when he was hunting in the desert." "Falling from the chariot made this fracture in his left leg”

4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him?

5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne?

6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain.
6. No, because it didn’t help me answer all of the questions like number 5 and number 4.

7. What other "facts" are included about his death?
7. Tutankhamun is widely thought to have died of an infection stemming from a broken leg.

Haley Sherman

Haley Sherman

1. How old was King Tut when he died?
Around 18 years old.

2. Does the author suggest any foul play?
Was it a natural death or was he murdered?

3. What information did you find concerning his death?
It was suggested that Tutankhamen was hit on the head and murdered by either Aye or Horemhab.

4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him?
Members of the ATLC suggest that it was Tutu who was responsible for the deaths of Akhenaton and Tutankhamen.

5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne?
Aye, simply because it was he who inherited the throne.

6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain.
Who Killed King Tut? By The Government of Egypt Edited by Jimmy Dunn. Yes, it was written by one group of people who have research and sources.

7. What other "facts" are included about his death?
A very recent medical examination of the remains of King Tutankhamen suggest that he may have not been murdered, but died instead from an infection caused by a broken leg. A new X-ray analysis cast more light on the subject, this time suggesting that Tutankhamen may have been murdered in his sleep. "The blow was to a protected area at the back of the head which you don't injure in an accident, someone had to sneak up from behind.” Scientists suggest that the king was most probably hit on the back of his head while asleep and that he lingered, maybe for as long as two months, before he died.

Megan McCorkle

1. How old was King Tut when he died?
King Tut was around 20 years old when he died.
2. Does the author suggest any foul play?
Tutankhamen is widely thought to have died of an infection stemming from a broken leg, after CT scans in 2005 revealed a severe fracture in his left thighbone, challenging theories that he had been murdered.
3. What information did you find concerning his death?
He had an accident when he was hunting in the desert," said Zahi Hawass, secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, who has overseen recent examinations of the pharaoh's mummy.
"Falling from the chariot made this fracture in his left leg, and this really is in my opinion how he died."
4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him?
Nobody knows if King Tut was murdered.
5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne?
Pharaoh Aya
6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain.
Yes, because it gives good information and it tells you what you need to know, its like a little book on the internet.
7. What other "facts" are included about his death?
Tutankhamen is widely thought to have died of an infection stemming from a broken leg. The new theory stems largely from examinations of some of the 5,000 artifacts found in the king's tomb, which suggest he was an active, sporting young man and not the sheltered and fragile boy often portrayed by history.

Pierina Santa Maria

Pierina Santa Maria

How old was King Tut when he died?
Article did not reveal
2. Does the author suggest any foul play?
King may have died from a blow to the back of his head.
3. What information did you find concerning his death?
Bob Brier, an American Egyptologist, believes that Tutankhamen was indeed murdered, and claims he knows by whom. "It was either by his own personal attendant or by his cup-bearer.
4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him?
Aye, Horernhab
5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne?
6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain.
No because you don’t have solid evidence

7. What other "facts" are included about his death?
Was it Aye, Tutankhamen's vizier who ascended to the throne after his death and married his wife? Or was it Horernhab, the army officer who became king after Aye’s short four-year rule? Some archaeologists suggested that Aye and Horemhab might have shared the guilt, working in cahoots to kill the boy.

Kaitlyn Nichols

Kaitlyn Nichols

1. How old was King Tut when he died? More to sort of heighten the pathos of the wealth of the tomb and the fact that he wasn't terribly old when he died.
2. Does the author suggest any foul play? Various artifacts also bear depictions of Tut in the act of hunting,
3. What information did you find concerning his death? "He had an accident when he was hunting in the desert,"
4. Who (if anybody) does the author suggest may have killed him? The article did not reveal the information.
5. Who succeeded Tut to the throne? The article did not reveal the information.
6. Is this site a reliable source? Explain.No, because I don’t know if the information that is typed about King Tut’s death is true or false.
7. What other "facts" are included about his death? Among the evidence for the theory are at least two chariots entombed with the king that show signs of frequent use, presumably by Tut himself. "There is something greasy, something that made it easy for the wheel to move on the axle," The movement from the wheel on the axle also left a deep line." There is certainly plenty of evidence to suggest that he was not only an archer, but also a good charioteer." If Tut were injured in a chariot accident, it would be impossible to tell exactly what he was doing when he died. It was common for pharaohs of his era to present themselves as powerful warriors and take every opportunity to highlight their physical prowess.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Name Daniel Kim_______________________________

Date May 24, 2010


What are some things about your life that you value? List at least 5 things and explain each.
My Religion / Christianity
My family
Some friends

How do these things shape your behavior?
· They calm me
Based on who you are, complete the following statements”

I am informal when I have to
I am self-reliant when I play basketball
I am efficient when I put my mind to something
I think social equity involves friendliness
I am assertive when I put my mind to something
I am optimistic when it comes to sports

Not everyone in the world shares your values. Do you think every person in America shares your values? Why or Why Not? Does everyone in this classroom share your values? Why or Why Not?
I don’t think so because everyone in the world is different and we all have our own important things. I think that no one in my class room shares the same value as me because we all are different.

Essential Questions

How does it feel when others see you as different – or as an outsider?
I really don’t care because I have god.
How do your beliefs, values, and cultural upbringing influence the way you behave? Calms me down.
How can you avoid cultural stereotyping? Just treat them like you want to be treated.

6. Research the immigration law(s) recently passed in Arizona. Do you agree with the law(s)? Why or Why Not? ?’Yes because illegal bordering hopping is illegal.

americans-william fitzpatrick

Name William Fitzpatrick_______________________________

Date 5/24/10_________________________________



What are some things about your life that you value? List at least 5 things and explain each.
· My family members.
· Our celebrations; for example, 4th of July or, and Christmas.
· My animals/pets.
· My friends that care for/about me.
· My families ancestry.
How do these things shape your behavior?
They say I am caring but have a selfish side.
Based on who you are, complete the following statements”

I am informal when I am out in restaurants.
I am self-reliant when I am playing sports. Such as Track.
I am efficient when I am playing football.
I think social equity involves talking about how your day went.
I am assertive when people are struggling with a job that I can do.
I am optimistic toward global warming.

Not everyone in the world shares your values. Do you think every person in America shares your values? Why or Why Not? Does everyone in this classroom share your values? Why or Why Not?
No, because I could send money to help out with starving citizens in Haiti.No, They don’t have all the stuff I have.
Essential Questions

How does it feel when others see you as different – or as an outsider? It doesn’t effect me at all.
How do your beliefs, values, and cultural upbringing influence the way you behave? If your parents are strict on you, you tend to act better.
How can you avoid cultural stereotyping?
By treating everyone the same.
6. Research the immigration law(s) recently passed in Arizona. Do you agree with the law(s)? Why or Why Not? No I think it is very disrespectful.

Americans- Abigail Santos

Name _____Abigail Santos___________________________

Date ______________May 24, 2010___________________



What are some things about your life that you value? List at least 5 things and explain each.
a. My flash drive
b. My family
c. Church
d. Friends
e. Laptop

2. How do these things shape your behavior?
These things shape my behavior because he things I surround my self with absorb into me and that reflects

Based on who you are, complete the following statements”

I am informal when, I am writing
I am self-reliant when I am writing or reading
I am efficient when I am writing things down
I think social equity involves People being together as one
I am assertive when I am alone doing my own thing
I am optimistic when I am writing because I can write anything in the world.

Not everyone in the world shares your values. Do you think every person in America shares your values? Why or Why Not? Does everyone in this classroom share your values? Why or Why Not? No, they may be similar but no one has the exact same view as you. NO one in this class has the same view because everyone has different views, religions etc.

Essential Questions

How does it feel when others see you as different – or as an outsider? I feel kind of sad but that is okay because I probably see them as different also.
How do your beliefs, values, and cultural upbringing influence the way you behave? It influences me because the way my parents act is the way I was and am being brought up.
How can you avoid cultural stereotyping? There is actually never any way to avoid it, because it is every where but I think there are ways to stop yourself from bringing up to it.

6. Research the immigration law(s) recently passed in Arizona. Do you agree with the law(s)? Why or Why Not?

Americans,De'Antre Clinton

Name _______De’Antre Clinton_______

Date ______may 24, 2010___________________________



What are some things about your life that you value? List at least 5 things and explain each .my family, my dog, religion, friends, electronics

How do these things shape your behavior? I’m always around them so I pick things up and I follow what I see

Based on who you are, complete the following statements”

I am informal when I’m around friends
I am self-reliant when I cook for myself
I am efficient when I play call of duty: modern warfare2
I think social equity involves being around people who care about you
I am assertive when I know I’m doing something right
I am optimistic in bad situations

Not everyone in the world shares your values. Do you think every person in America shares your values? Why or Why Not? Does everyone in this classroom share your values? Why or Why Not? No and no some people might share some of my values but I think everyone is different in some way

Essential Questions

How does it feel when others see you as different – or as an outsider? Screw those people I think there missing out on a good friend
How do your beliefs, values, and cultural upbringing influence the way you behave? I usually behave the way others behave around me but I know right from wrong
How can you avoid cultural stereotyping? By believing in what I believing in and not caring what others think

6. Research the immigration law(s) recently passed in Arizona. Do you agree with the law(s)? Why or Why Not?

=) (= =)' i hope i did a good job

americans-jeremy sherman

Name Jeremy Sherman___________________

Date 5-24-10___________________________



What are some things about your life that you value? List at least 5 things and explain each. I value my life. The lives of others. The things people work for in life. I also value some family things like being with family or doing something with your family.

How do these things shape your behavior?
These things shape the way I behave and the mannerisms I use.
Based on who you are, complete the following statements”

I am informal when it is needed.
I am self-reliant when the situation calls for it.
I am efficient when it is needed.
I think social equity involves treating people the way you would like them to treat you.
I am assertive when I feel threatened or assertiveness is required.
I am optimistic most of the time because I have a positive outlook.

Not everyone in the world shares your values. Do you think every person in America shares your values? Why or Why Not? Does everyone in this classroom share your values? Why or Why Not? Not everyone share my vales because I value people and such I don’t use certain words that are offending to a majority of citizens.

Essential Questions

How does it feel when others see you as different – or as an outsider?
How do your beliefs, values, and cultural upbringing influence the way you behave?
How can you avoid cultural stereotyping?
I pretty much and believe in stereotyping. But when I see outsiders I view them as lonely and sad. I value the fact that most of the time these aren’t messed with. Most stereotypes are now no more because people have mixed cultures.
6. Research the immigration law(s) recently passed in Arizona. Do you agree with the law(s)? Why or Why Not? I honestly don’t know because I have knowledge of the law. If the law is more security on borders then I’m against it.

americans- aaliyah white

What are some things about your life that you value? List at least 5 things and explain each. My mom, my cell-phone, my dogs, my siblings, and my boyfriend. I care about these things because their just something that I care about a lot.

How do these things shape your behavior? These things show that im caring and that I care for a lot of things. Im not that kind of person that doesn’t care about most things.

Based on who you are, complete the following statements”

I am informal when I got to my house.
I am self-reliant when I need advice or need personal help with something.
I am efficient when I need to get my class work done or homework done.
I think social equity involves many colleges.
I am assertive when it involves anything about me and my life.
I am optimistic when someone wants me to decide something.

Not everyone in the world shares your values. Do you think every person in America shares your values? Why or Why Not? Does everyone in this classroom share your values? Why or Why Not? No, I don’t think everyone in the world shares my values because everyone’s different. Everyone in the classroom doesn’t share my values because their not me and we care about different things than, others.

Essential Questions

How does it feel when others see you as different – or as an outsider? Well if their from another place and think that im weird than, of course because their from a different place.
How do your beliefs, values, and cultural upbringing influence the way you behave? It can show my personality in many ways like if im caring or respectful.
How can you avoid cultural stereotyping? By learning about other cultures and what their into or something.

6. Research the immigration law(s) recently passed in Arizona. Do you agree with the law(s)? Why or Why Not? Yes, somewhat I agree with the laws because if a police officer stops an illegal citizen that isn’t supposed to live in our community than, they have a right to stop the citizen. In some way I also say no because its prejudice by them not wanting illegal Hispanics coming to America as immigrants.

Americans-Dylan Hagood

Name: Dylan Hagood
Date: May 24 10

What are some things about your life that you value? List at least 5 things and explain each. I value my family because they love and take care of me. I value my friends because they will always be there for me. I value technology because It helps us with everyday life. I value school because I can get an education and learn. I value music because it lets me express my self.

How do these things shape your behavior? They shape my behavior because I base my life and behavior around these values.

Based on who you are, complete the following statements”

I am informal when I’m at home
I am self-reliant when my parents are gone
I am efficient when all the time
I think social equity involves being fair to every one
I am assertive when I need to beecause
I am optimistic try to be all the time

Not everyone in the world shares your values. Do you think every person in America shares your values? Why or Why Not? Does everyone in this classroom share your values? Why or Why Not? No because not every one has the same views on life as me or like’s the same music and stuff. I don’t think everyone in my class has the same views as me because they don’t like the same music

Essential Questions

How does it feel when others see you as different – or as an outsider? It doesn’t feel good because to be outside never feels good because people wont talk to you or hang out with you.
How do your beliefs, values, and cultural upbringing influence the way you behave? I was raised to be religious I’m not as religious now as I was then but my upbringing was to behave respectfully and nicely.
How can you avoid cultural stereotyping? A lot of the time you cant people will stereotype you no matter what the truth is.

6. Research the immigration law(s) recently passed in Arizona. Do you agree with the law(s)? Why or Why Not? Well I agree with some of the laws… really I just thing that you should have to be a citizen of America so that people don’t take advantage of you.

Americans-Jasmyn Ajlouny

Name ________Jasmyn Ajlouny________________________

Date _________May 24, 2010________________________


Name 5 things you value most in life…I value:
· My cell phone
· My music
· My ability to sleep
· My close friends
· My charisma and intelligence

1. How do these things shape your behavior?
These things shape my behavior by showing what kind of person I am. I have charisma and intelligence so it makes my behavior a very friendly one and I like music so I’m very open to new ideas. I value my close friend so I show a positive behavior to keep them close and I very much like sleep so my behavior can be very mellow and tired or awake and energetic. Lastly I cherish my phone I think because I’m 14 years old and this device is the greatest thing ever invented to me besides sleep.
2. Based on who you are, complete the following statements”

a. I am informal when I am at home or in a domesticated area.
b. I am self-reliant when I am by myself or I am doing something where I need to be on my own and all I have is myself to count on.
c. I am efficient when I need to get something important done and I need to do it right and efficiently.
d. I think social equity involves treating everyone equal no matter who they are or what their race or religion is.
e. I am assertive when I get a little to frustraighted or I am trying to get my point across when someone isn’t being open minded.
f. I am optimistic most all the time, keeping my attitude optimistic helps me be a better person.

3. Not everyone in the world shares your values. Do you think every person in America shares your values? Why or Why Not? Does everyone in this classroom share your values? Why or Why Not? No, I do not think everyone in the world should share my values except my religion of course. I am not saying everyone bow down nd pray but we should all do our best to be good Christians. But my religion is just like everyone else’s where every religion believes that theirs is dominate and you should convert to us. All my other values are my own. They’re what make’s me the person I am. I’m sure that not all the students in this classroom has my same values either and that’s ok with me.

4. Essential Questions

a. How does it feel when others see you as different – or as an outsider? It doesn’t make me feel very good especially when there portraying me in a negative way.
b. How do your beliefs, values, and cultural upbringing influence the way you behave? My belief as a Christian brought me up to follow the ways of the bible and God and everything I am taught I do my best to be the best person/ Christian I can be making me the person I am.
c. How can you avoid cultural stereotyping? Try not bringing up your culture if you know if might cause a conflict or dilemma where you might be debating with someone about your culture and beliefs.

6. Research the immigration law(s) recently passed in Arizona. Do you agree with the law(s)? Why or Why Not? Yes, because the people who are illegally immigrating to Arizona now have less of a chance to keep up the immigration and the immigration laws in the U.S. have been set and should be followed by all countries of the world.

Americans-Tyler Maree

Name _Tyler Maree_______________________________

Date 5/24/10_________________________________



What are some things about your life that you value? List at least 5 things and explain each. My family, my friends, I have a bed to sleep on, the job my father has to support us, a roof over my head and food we eat. These are things some people don’t have and I’m grateful I have them.

How do these things shape your behavior?
My family shaped/trained me to always be nice and always do as told by adults.
So I guess I behave the way I do because of my parents.
Based on who you are, complete the following statements”

I am informal when I’m at home or with my friends
I am self-reliant when I take tests and am alone
I am efficient when I’m in school
I think social equity involves how social you are
I am assertive when I have to set down the rules when I watch my siblings
I am optimistic when I am having celebrations

Not everyone in the world shares your values. Do you think every person in America shares your values? Why or Why Not? Does everyone in this classroom share your values? Why or Why Not? No. People in the world are mean and nasty I’m nice almost all the time. No. everyone is unique and no one is the same.

Essential Questions

How does it feel when others see you as different – or as an outsider? Being called an outsider upsets me.
How do your beliefs, values, and cultural upbringing influence the way you behave? Since I’m Christian I try to stay out of violence and except everyone.
How can you avoid cultural stereotyping? Just stay away from it.

6. Research the immigration law(s) recently passed in Arizona. Do you agree with the law(s)? Why or Why Not? No. If people want to come to America they should be aloud. On the other hand we need order so we don’t run out of room in our country.

americans-eric reyes

Name _Eric Reyes_______________________________

Date __5/24/10_______________________________



What are some things about your life that you value? List at least 5 things and explain each. My ps3 because I love to play video games, my football because I love to play sports when I’m bored or when its nice outside, my clothes because I don’t want to be naked, music for my entertainment, and my family because they are always there for me

How do these things shape your behavior?
Because they pretty much make my behavior or they way I act because those are the things I like to do
Based on who you are, complete the following statements”

I am informal when I watch TV
I am self-reliant when I have to go to El-Salvador by my self
I am efficient when I play call of duty modern warfare 2
I think social equity involves
I am assertive when I am playing a sport because I like to be competitive
I am optimistic when I go to an amusement park

Not everyone in the world shares your values. Do you think every person in America shares your values? Why or Why Not? Does everyone in this classroom share your values? Why or Why Not? No not everybody shares the same values because everyone is different and not everybody likes the same things. Also no not everyone in the class shares the same values either because like I said everyone is different.

Essential Questions

How does it feel when others see you as different – or as an outsider? I don’t really fell anything because I don’t really care but if I did care I would probably feel left out and not important
How do your beliefs, values, and cultural up bringing influence the way you behave? Because my beliefs, values, and culture don’t really change my behavior except probably my beliefs because I believe you shouldn’t be afraid of anybody because fear is just a heavy burden.
How can you avoid cultural stereotyping? You cant avoid stereotyping its always going to happen no matter what they are always going to have something to say.

Americans-Daisya Boyd

Name Daisya Boyd________________________________

Date May 24, 2010_________________________________



What are some things about your life that you value? List at least 5 things and explain each. I value my mom and dad and also my phone, computer, family, and best friend.

How do these things shape your behavior?
Because it makes me who I am

Based on who you are complete the following statements”

I am informal when I am at home.
I am self-reliant when I do my homework.
I am efficient when I have to go an appointment.
I think social equity involves
I am assertive when
I am optimistic

Not everyone in the world shares your values. Do you think every person in America shares your values? Why or Why Not? Does everyone in this classroom share your values? Why or Why Not? Some people might share the some values as me like if you love your family that would be sharing the same value as me because I also love my family.

5.Essential Questions

How does it feel when others see you as different – or as an outsider? It really doesn’t bother me because I am who I am no matter if I’m different or what you either like me as I am or forget it.
How do your beliefs, values, and cultural upbringing influence the way you behave? Well like the way I respect my elders I don’t act inappropriate in front of them I respect them.
How can you avoid cultural stereotyping? Like just don’t do it just walk away.

6. Research the immigration law(s) recently passed in Arizona. Do you agree with the law(s)? Why or Why Not?

Americans - Michael Rosario

Name __Michael Rosario______________________________

Date _5-25-10________________________________



What are some things about your life that you value? List at least 5 things and explain each. Education, health, family, music, friends

How do these things shape your behavior? These things inspire me to act the way I do. For example my friends and family have a big impact on my life and feelings.

Based on who you are, complete the following statements”

I am informal when I am hanging out with friends or family at home.
I am self-reliant when I have to work independently and have to count on myself.
I am efficient when
I think social equity involves

I am assertive when I am talking to people I have to work with in class.
I am optimistic when I watch the news.

Not everyone in the world shares your values. Do you think every person in America shares your values? Why or Why Not? Does everyone in this classroom share your values? Why or Why Not? No I do not think people in America have the same values because their cultures and things in there personal life influence the way they act or how they feel. I don’t think kids in this class think the same way because we all experience different things in our lives daily.

Essential Questions

How does it feel when others see you as different – or as an outsider? I feel shy and unwanted there.
How do your beliefs, values, and cultural upbringing influence the way you behave? Well it affects the way I treat people that are different from me.
How can you avoid cultural stereotyping? You can avoid it by not judging people by there culture but how they act towards others.

6. Research the immigration law(s) recently passed in Arizona. Do you agree with the law(s)? Why or Why Not? I do agree with it because even though they deserve the same treatment citizens do they are breaking the law and they may get in even more trouble.

Americans-Shamara Dickson

Name Shamara Dickson______________________________

Date May 24, 2010________________________________



1. What are some things about your life that you value? List at least 5 things and explain each.
My mother, my Daddy, my family, my friends, my education
2. How do these things shape your behavior?
(I am caring, and im not selfish because I care about other people and not material things. And things that will help me in my life)
3. Based on who you are, complete the following statements”

a. I am informal when I got to school or at home
b. I am self-reliant when I need supplies for myself or when I need to take
c. I am efficient when I need to get my work done for school and when I have a job
d. I think social equity involves home designing, job searching
e. I am assertive when it involves my education
f. I am optimistic when someone wants me to make a decision

4. Not everyone in the world shares your values. Do you think every person in America shares your values? Why or Why Not? Does everyone in this classroom share your values? Why or Why Not?
- no I don’t think everybody shares the same values because some people have money or material things o make them happy. Some people may have problems with there families, and some people only have there families as values. Everyone doesn’t not share the same values because they might have different way of life.
5. Essential Questions

a. How does it feel when others see you as different – or as an outsider?
- it makes me feel not wanted or like I don’t belong there.
b. How do your beliefs, values, and cultural upbringing influence the way you behave?
-It makes me more respectful, and careful
c. How can you avoid cultural stereotyping?
-ignore it and try not to get into the discussion
6. Research the immigration law(s) recently passed in Arizona. Do you agree with the law(s)? Why or Why Not? (Yes because if a police officer stops an illegal citizen and they don’t have proof that they can be in that state the police officers have the right to stop them. And I another way I say its not right because that could be prejudiced to the immagrants. You could spot an immigrant and bring them to jail without even asking questions! ITS NO RIGHT…. BUT IT

Americans-Xavier Granados

Name: Xavier Granados________________________________

Date: 5/24/10________________________________



What are some things about your life that you value? List at least 5 things and explain each.
Family because my family is important to me, food because I need food to survive, money because I need money to buy food and supplies I need, clothes because I wouldn’t want to be naked around, and Xbox 360 because I like to play video games.
How do these things shape your behavior?
These things shape my behavior because my family will get me mad at some point and I will talk back, food will shape my behavior because when I’m hungry I will be asking my mom when the food going to be ready, money because when I can’t buy something I really need I’ll be like man I needed that, clothes will shape my behavior because if I’m naked in front of people it will be awkward and embarrassing, Xbox 360 because if I lose a game when I was doing really good and it makes me restart the whole game I’ll be like NOO!!!
Based on who you are, complete the following statements”

I am informal when I lay on my bed listening to music or watching TV.
I am self-reliant when I stay in the house by my self.
I am efficient when I do my work.
I think social equity involves talking to people equity.
I am assertive when my brother hits me.
I am optimistic when a friend/family asks me to help them out.

Not everyone in the world shares your values. Do you think every person in America shares your values? Why or Why Not? Does everyone in this classroom share your values? Why or Why Not?
Yeah, kind of because family is very important to someone. Yeah because family is pretty much #1.
Essential Questions

How does it feel when others see you as different – or as an outsider?
How do your beliefs, values, and cultural upbringing influence the way you behave?
How can you avoid cultural stereotyping?

6. Research the immigration law(s) recently passed in Arizona. Do you agree with the law(s)? Why or Why Not?